Tag: happiness in little things

13 Things That Make Me Happy

  1. Cheese.  Do I need to qualify or explain this?  Just – cheese.
  2. Beer.  It makes the world seem less edgy and happier.
  3. Antique roses flushing the landscape with color and scent.
  4. The metallic weight of snow falling.
  5. Pippa’s wheezing.  It doesn’t make me happy that she wheezes but that it reminds me she’s there.
  6. Coffee.  It’s not about the caffeine, it’s about the flavor and the warmth.
  7. The view from my office of the monastery garden I built.
  8. The sound of chickens scuffling with each other and the feel of their silky feathers.
  9. Discovering a new favorite show and finding out there are 13 seasons of it to watch.
  10. Photographing everything.  Especially food and industrial details of buildings and landscapes.  And insects.
  11. Going to the farmer’s market and coming home with fresh local produce.  Seeing vegetables arranged in baskets and bins has always made me happy.
  12. The beautiful shawl my friend Taj made me that I’m looking at right now.
  13. Old silverware.  I discovered my mom’s set yesterday that I hadn’t seen before and it was enchanting to see such good spoons and exotic forks.